These are pics of my kitchen :) Nice & clean for company :) It's SO not like this all the time, but it was today!! LOL :) Oh, and that's Princess swiffering in her high heels!! LOL :) She had her "gass sippers" on, and decided she needed to "sweep" the kitchen!! LOL :) She's so much fun!! :) And, man, I'm having a great time with this camera!! LOL :)
Small group went VERY well!! Like I said, BadBack & Military (both ladies!! I'll have to try & think about their names some more...:) ) were here, and I've gotten to know them some, so it was very relaxed, and very comfortable for us hosting our very 1st ever small group!! :) We had a hard time with our DVD player...the DVD we've got is actually a copy, not the master, and our DVD player is so old, I think it had a hard time reading the copy DVD (if that makes any sense)...well, we got another copy, and that one didn't work, either, so, the last time I put the DVD in, it didn't skip or freeze up!! :) PTL!! You can believe I was praying over that DVD player, that the Lord's message would be heard tonight, and it was!! He is so GOOD!! :) I don't care how techno junkie you are, you can't convince me that it wasn't the Lord who made that thing work!! :) Just to be on the safe side, though, I think we're gonna order our own copy, and I think it comes with his book, too, so I'll get to read it!! :) Family Christian didn't have it (::wahh wahh::) I'm sure I could order it through them, but if I can order it online, what's the difference? I can probably get it cheaper, too!! LOL :)
Well, I'd better go...I didn't post a before pic of the kitchen...
Have a great Monday!! :)
Love your kitchen!!!! So, already putting princess to work, huh? :) I'm glad the small group went well despite the DVD malfunction.
Hee, hee, that is funny, we both posted our kitchen! I think I'm going to retake my kitchen pics, that was the 35mm I posted and it looks so smokey, which is bad because we have a very strict NO SMOKING rule in our house. I think I'll retake them with the digicam and take a couple different angles and post them again. Anyways! Love the color of your kitchen, that is so warm and inviting. Glad small group went well - technology is wonderful but so frustrating when it doesn't work right!
Your kitchen is so pretty. I love that Princess is cleaning in her heels! That cracks me up! Lots of Love!
Love the pictures....your kitchen looks great! You are really making that place look like "home"!
I need to get me some of those "gass sippers"....maybe they would make me wanna clean the floor. Hubby would appreciate that!
Love ya!
The house looks great. We are going to have to get together some time when we are both not so busy. I just started a new site: http://www.xanga.com/Browns17 Feel free and check it out. I love blogging and having fun on the computer and talking to people.
you had to show a picture of the flag window thingy that I covet didn't ya!! lol...your house is looking like a home...it looks very cozy and inviting!
glad you are becoming such a computer geek too!! lol...it's addicting...I haven't been able to dabble with my computer geekiness lately...and I'm having blinkie withdraw! lol...
anyway...you do such pretty things with your journal..thank you for the eye candy!
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