I think tomorrow night we have some festivities to attend :) Cousin ShopTilYaDrop is having people over at her house, and that's usually a lot of fun. Cousin Jay has a dog, Chelsea, who is a Golden Retreiver, and is REALLY pretty and easy-going...Princess LOVES dogs...Daddy wants to get her one, but I say NO!! I would be the one who'd have to take care of it most of the time, and I'm not up for that!! LOL :) It'll make seeing other dogs & cats more special for her!! LOL :) Am I my Mom, or what?!?! LOL ;)
We had a lot of fun yesterday :) It was snowy and festive, and we had such a great time...King stayed home with Princess, so that enabled us to stop at SO many more places than we could've had she been along...it was VERY nice for me, too, to actually sit through dinner & actually shop without having to be entertaining to her, too!! LOL :) I love taking Princess shopping with me, she's a lot of fun...but it's a lot of work, too. I did miss her being along, though...
Tonight's the last night of Small group (for now...). I'm actually thinking of bringing some knitting along, but I've really enjoyed taking notes during the video, so I don't know...I guess I've still got a week left, right?!?! LOL :)
I'd better go and get ready...my decrepid (sp?) old stove quit on me today...I've only had one small burner working this week, but the oven was OK...until today when I went to pre-heat it for the cookies I've got to bake for tomorrow's cookie party...YIKE!! LOL I'm making one type of refridgerated dough cookies (just plain sugar cookie cut-outs w/powder sugar icing...you know, in different colors...and another type, Peanut Butter Truffle Cookies...I've got to go to Mom's to bake!! LOL :) ) Oh, well, we had to drop Princess off over there, anyway, maybe King can just meet me over there, and we can grab some dinner before small group...that's actually not a bad idea :)
Okay, seriously, better go!! :) Talk to you all later :)

Glad you got some shopping done with no distractions! Bummer about your stove! It's amazing how much you realize you rely on things like that until you "lose" it. Hope you get your cookies done! They sound yummy, by the way!!!
Sounds like a great shopping day! I am making all the gifts this year and a week is not NEAR the time I need. I guess I will have to totally limit computer time to the night time for me! Hope your stove kicks back in (or ya get a new one)! Lots of Love!
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