Today, though, Princess started puking first thing this morning!! bLaH!! I don't think it's a bug, more of a sinus drainage/congestion thing, but I felt so bad for her...her crib bed was down on the floor on one side, too :( If that thing moves one iota, it throws all the little mattress levers off kilter, and can do that...GRRRRR!! I'd like to buy a new crib, but we don't have the money right now, and it's not too far off when she'll move to a bed...Oh, it's fixed right now!! Don't be calling child services because you think Princess is sleeping in a defective bed!! LOL :) That thing is pretty old, was MY crib!! LOL :) But it's starting to creak it's age...not that I'm old or anything!! LOL
Tonight we were supposed to get together with Shop'tilyadrop & Math to exchange gifts, but I don't know for sure... Since I'm not sure what, exactly, is going on with Princess, I don't feel comfortable having her around BabyGap (Baby Jane's new name!! LOL They like to buy most of her clothes on clearance at the Gap outlet around Cincy!! As her personality starts to show, I'll probably change it again, though...) Anyways, I don't know...if it's just congestion, we can keep that pretty contained, because Princess doesn't get in the baby's face or anything...I don't know...
Daisy & I went to the mall last night, and let me tell you, it wasn't that much better last night than it was Saturday afternoon!! At least the parking lot wasn't...oh, well...we got what we went for, and left!! Daisy got to park in one of the "Expectant Mother's" spots!! LOL :) While I parked in the boonies!! LOL After the mall we went to Wal-Mart, and THAT place was a mad house, was like a "regular" weekend afternoon there (not holiday!! YIKES!! I won't even go to WalMart on a weekend in December unless it's life threatening!! LOL)...I am officially DONE with Christmas buying!! :) YAY!! I still have a couple of scarves to knit (almost done with one, ready to start on the other), but other than that, I'm DONE!! :) YAY!! :)
I'd better go...I need to finish getting ready, and check in on Princess...she was SO tired, and fought her nap today, even though she kept yawning & rubbing her eyes & had a hard time keeping her eyelids open!! LOL But, she FINALLY fell asleep, and I'm hoping she'll be right as rain when she wakes up!! :) We'll see...
Merry Christmas!! :) (((((((HUGS &PRAYERS))))))))) for you all :)

Hey! I guess Josy was right.....we are sending REAL computer viruses around! LOL! Sorry Princess was sick today! I guess just another thing that we all share in common! Glad your shopping is done. Hubby and I have not even started shopping for each other. We're buying gifts from Pita Pocket! So, I guess we'll do that Thursday! AARGGHH! Okay, nmj! Lots of Love!
This is wierd...I journaled first today instead of reading journals first...and as you will see in my journal today...I talked about my dad and FAB again.....and you talked about your Dad and Princess! How cool!??!?! I think we were both blessed beyond belief! (((HUGS))))
Glad you got your shopping done...I don't think I am! I want to buy Hubby some more things even though we said we weren't going to buy anything. And I want to take I-Man and let him pick a gift for his Daddy and FAB. I don't know when we will do that....but I want to do that! Does that make sense?!?!?
Love you and can't wait to see you on Saturday!!!!
That's cute about Princess! I bet your dad was absolutely glowing to see her cheering for him! :)
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