It's too late...
for a very long post, I just wanted to share this link with you all :) I know some of you have heard of Lisa Weilchel (sp?) from The Facts of Life (she played Blair)...anyways, she's got a great website for women, and I get monthly emails from her, and it's amazing to me how the Lord will use someone else's experiences/trials/tests, to help them speak to MY heart :) This certainly did, and I'm claiming these promises!! :) Ever since Princess was born, the enormity of my responsability as a parent, and teaching her the way to the cross, has hit me straight in the heart. I found myself, especially in the beginning, waking up in the middle of the night with this enormous burden, and would stop and pray until I would fall back asleep...Can you believe I haven't shared that with more than King & one lady from church who I really trust? She totally understood where I was coming from, but I was just wondering...does anyone else feel the same way, or am I just a nutcase?!?! LOL :) Okay, I know I can be a nutcase, but does anyone else feel the same way? (lol) Don't feel like you HAVE to answer that, but feel free to, if you want :)
Anyways, that fear was back again this week...Maybe it's just something that all mothers & fathers feel...anyways, Princess was taking a bath yesterday, and I asked her if she wanted to sing...she said, "Yess." I asked her what she wanted me to sing, and she said, "Ummm...Jesus!!" I knew she meant she wanted me to sing "Jesus Loves Me." It melted my heart, and I about bawled my eyes out and about climbed in the tub hugging her!! LOL :) At least I felt that way, but I smiled, and started singing :)
Anyways, here's the link to the email that was sent out... Her kids are older than Princess, but I could TOTALLY identify with everything she talked about...even the financial part!! ;)
Okay, like I said, it's bedtime for me...
Yes! I have felt that. My heart melts when Pita Pocket wants to sing a song about Jesus before anything else! "Jesus Loves Me" has a special place in my heart because it's the FIRST thing we sang to him when he was born and lying on my chest...and when he first opened his eyes! It's a blessing from God and I totally understand the pressure of making sure that our little ones know God...maybe pressure isn't a good word, maybe the gift! Lots of Love!
Thank you for sharing that! So many times I wonder if I'm being too strict with Joe about the type of TV he watches (he wants to watch things like Fear Factor and King of the Hill). It's comforting to know that I'm not the only parent concerned with the information my child absorbs!
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