Anyways, after I bored Princess at Hobby Lobby, we went to Target (Princess LOVES Target for some reason...I think it's all the red!! LOL) Anyways, we split a pretzel (I asked for a Cinnabon pretzel, but they were out, so the guy gave me a cinnamon sugar pretzel w/ a side of Cinnabon icing!! Just as good, that's what I really like about the Cinnabon pretzel, anyways!! LOL), and Princess LOVED it!! She's a people watcher, I think...she really enjoyed watching the people come & go at the entrance...Anyways, I just browsed around there, and didn't get anything much except laundry detergent & softner (yippee), and paper towl (woohoo), and The Wedding Singer for 7.50!! :) We had fun, though :) Princess was being really cute :)
Anyways, today I'm feeling the comings-on of this cold...I don't think it'll be as severe as Princess's because I've been taking that Halls stuff, but it's not fun...and I've been REALLY tired...of course, I haven't been going to bed until the wee hours of the morning, either...I'm sure that's got something to do with it!! LOL :)
King doesn't have Blockhead training tonight (he thought he did, but turns out he doesn't!! YAY), so I might suggest a drive out to Clifton, and that neighborhood that all decorate the outside for Christmas :) We were gonna do it earlier in the week, but it didn't happen...we'll see :)
Okay, I better go...I'm sleepy, and promised myself a nappy nap when Princess laid down :)
Happy Friday!! :)

Glad you got some shopping done! I loved going to Joann's to spend my gift card. I spent all $50.00 and an extra $17! Oh well! I saved $50, right? Hope you have fun seeing the lights. That is something that we just didn't do this year! Lots of Love!
Bummer about your cold. I hope it doesn't come on strong! I need to get out to Hobby Lobby! I hear so much about it, but I haven't made it there yet. Hope you have a great New Years!
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