Oh, and Princess has been REALLY sick & whiney this week!! Poor thing...her schedule (if you can call it that!! LOL) has been off this past week, and fighting a nasty cold...I've been taking that Hall's Defense stuff (not very religiously, but often enough), and I can really tell a difference!! I started taking it as soon as I started feeling the beginnings of congestion, and it's been a couple of days, and other than just being tired from last weekend myself, and tired from taking care of Princess (she's not been sleeping through the night very well, lately...we think she's teething really bad, too)...anyways, that stuff has really helped :)
Okay, enough of the commercial!! LOL
Did I mention that my stove quit working?!?! 2 weeks ago...right before the cookie party...Well, let me tell you how much you miss something like that when it's gone!! LOL :) It was funny one night, though, King said something like, "What're you cooking for dinner?" and I answered him, "I don't know how to cook over a campfire!!" LOL :) I think we're gonna wait until the middle of January...Hopefully there will be some good New Year sales!! LOL :) I'd REALLY like to get one of those flat-topped ranges :) They're not that much more, and if we're gonna buy a new one, might as well be something we'll like!!
King's been off school all week...not off of work, although I think he regrets not taking a few day's vacation this week...it's been VERY nice...tomorrow & Friday nite, though, he's got Blockhead training LOL!! (he works p/t seasonally for H&R Block LOL :) ) Anyways, that's a bummer, because he usually only has a couple of minutes to eat & run off to training...I don't know how this tax season will be, either, with him working in F, and us living in H!! LOL :) We'll see...I see a lot of nights to catch up on my knitting!! Or scrapping :) That would be nice :)
Oh, did I mention we're starting a small group in our house in a couple of weeks? I can't wait!! I've been cleaning & trying to sort through a bunch of junk (just got started in Princess's room), before it starts, but our study's gonna be on that study we just finished "The Blessed Life". VERY VERY GOOD!! Highly recommended by me!! :) I'll have to try & find a link for it...well, here's a link to his church's website :) http://http://www.gatewaypeople.com/churchinfo/index.php?action=staffbiodetails&sid=1
OH!! We got a new digital camera for Christmas, from my Mom & Dad :) A Kodak (and that's about all the technical stuff you'll get from me!! LOL) It came with a dock, too!! :) VERY NICE :) I REALLY LIKE IT!! I also got a TON of stuff for my bathroom...what an old lady I am!! LOL I got so excited over a shower curtain!! But it's what I've been wanting for a LONG time :) Think Olde Farmstead kind of bathroom :) Very cute :) Very primitive :) I love it!! :) I also got a salt box house that has a light in it :) We saw them at the craft show after Thanksgiving, and when Mom "went to the bathroom" after I went & got the van, that's when she got it!! LOL :) So sneaky!! LOL :) I LOVE IT!! :) I also got a Paula Dean cookbook!! Daisy got one, too!! LOL :) She's like my Granny teachin' me how to cook all those yummy Southern dishes :) I just LOVE Paula Dean!! :) It was just such a great Christmas :) Princess got SO MUCH STUFF!! AuntO got her the prettiest quilt (from Lil' Dolly's in Pigeon Forge...Missy & JJ will know that place!! LOL), and I got a quilt from her, too!! :) I love quilts, too!! LOL :) See, I'm easy to shop for!! LOL :)
Anyways, Princess got a lot of toys & clothes, and jammies, and books, and Cinderella DVD, but her favorite thing she got was Bear!! She LOVES Bear in the Big Blue House!! And, as soon as she "opened" it (if you haven't read Kelley's journal, we did the same thing with her presents...we were opening them for her & showing her before it was all over!! LOL), anyways, as soon as she opened it, she started sniffing him!! LOL (he "sniffs" the kids when he first opens the door at the Big Blue House, in case you're not a regular viewer!! LOL). SO CUTE!! She made him sniff all of us, and carried Bear around with her all day!! She's still carrying him around, and today, she made him sit at her little Princess table, and made him "coppee" (that's how she says coffee, LOL)...Anyways, I've been overly tired, and haven't had the energy to relay a lot of Princess Christmas stories!! LOL :)

I'd better go...it's getting late, and King needs to go to bed!! LOL :) I'm feeling pretty tired, too...

I've been wondering where you have been! Sorry about Princess being sick. That is the pits! :( Hope she gets to feeling better soon. I need to get some of that Halls stuff because I get conjestion stuff all the time (didn't you want to know that)! Glad your family got spoiled for Christmas! We did too! Pita Pocket got a truck load and we still have one more Christmas to do!! Lots of Love!
SO cute about Princess and Bear and sniffing! Don't they just do the cutest things?!?!? So fun!
So...on New Year's...bring whatever your heart desires! We are making two kinds of chicken wings (and when I say make I mean open up the bag and heat up) and Hubby is making rice crispie treats. At this point...I am not sure what else! Oh, we have some pizza rolls too....
Come over whenever you want! And bring Princess if you want! I know that Minnie is bringing their two kids...and our kids will be here...at least for part of the evening. I am not sure what the plan is...but my mom is going to be here too...for part of it!
We meant to invite everyone on Christmas Eve...but we didn't do it. Do your parent's have plans?!?! I feel bad not inviting everyone....but everyone is welcome!!! It will be weird not having all of us together...ya know?!?!?
Okay...nmj! Love ya! Let me know what time you all are coming and what you want to bring...again, we are flexible!!!!
Love ya!
Sounds like you had a great Christmas! I like Paula Dean too! I hope Princess gets better and that you can fight off the bug! Take care!
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