Hey, everyone!! :) I just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year!! I can't believe it's already here...2006!! Princess will be 2 this year!! (in February), and we'll celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary, too. I don't want to talk about my Birthday, or King's either!! LOL He'll be turning the big 3-0 this year!! Like I said, I don't want to talk about mine!! LOL :)
We're going to Missy's house tonight to celebrate :) I'm sure we'll have a great time!! :) I'm looking forward to playing cards or something!! I LOVE playing games!! :) SO much fun!!
Okay, this is gonna be a drastic shift in the conversation..I just saw something shiny!! LOL :) Anyways, I've been visiting DIY Network's website, and there was a place on there where it gave you tips on hosting your own crop...and how to get yourself organized for going to a crop...I think that would be fun...like party favors, specific things to work on...blah blah blah...I am definately ready to start scrappin' again!! LOL :) They did have a good idea as far as sharing supplies & stuff...they said to have a basket big enough to put your leftovers & scraps in that you're done with, don't have matches for, etc...I thought that was a good idea...so you can "purge" as you go, and you don't waste, because what you get rid of might be exactly what someone else needs!! :) I thought it was a good idea, anyways :)
Princess is going with Mammy & Papa for a little while after she wakes up from her nap...Then, we're gonna pick her up from there on the way to Missy's :) She's gonna have fun today!! :) She LOVES to see I-Man & FAB :) Did I get to tell you how bossy she was on Christmas Eve? LOL She was bossing those big boys around Mammy & Papa's house like she was the party planner, or something, it was hilarious!! LOL :) Of course, the boys didn't really listen to her, but she thought she was in charge!! One funny thing I heard was when she told FAB to sit down next to her on the step into the kitchen (from the garage...the boys were all playing out there...Dad had a little "room" set up out there for overflow!! LOL) Anyways, she tells FAB, "Sit down, FAB" and FAB did it!! LOL :) They sat there and watched the boys play...they were giving each other hugs & stuff in the kitchen, too, I heard...
Well, I'd better go...I need to start getting ready...I've been in the process of getting the house straightened up, and need a shower!!!!! How did the laundry become Mt. Washmore, again?!?! It wasn't like I stopped doing it...

Oh, and do you realize what happens in January?!?!