This is a pic of the bracelet my Mom got me when Princess was born. I LOVE it!! :) It's been broken for almost a year, though, something to do with where the clasp is...anyways, the lady that made it said she'd fix it for free :) Isn't that nice? She also has a pic of my bracelet on her web site :) I'll have to find the link to it and share it with you all...I REALLY love my bracelet :) And, shhhh, don't tell, Daisy's getting one from Mom when BabyBigFoot (ha-ha) gets here...Once she gets here I will DEFINATELY change her name...maybe I'll just call her AngelNeice because I'm sure that she'll love me :) LOL Anyways, I thought of my bracelet pic because King's taking it to my Mom tonight :)

I'm all excited about Sunday School right now :) I've still got to talk to a few more people, but I'm really thinking that the other ladies that share my class (we have a rotation every Sunday...mine's the last Sunday & 5th Sunday of the month)...Anyways, the attendance & bringing a friend thing is just not consistent...BUT, I thought back to what made me get up every morning for Sunday school, and I remembered...That sticker chart!! And, whoever has the most stickers at the end of the "contest" or month got a special treat or something...I'm thinking of a treasure chest kind of thing...You know, with dollar store type toys they can pick out...I'm telling you, as great as our church is, there is not a whole lot of "fun" for Sunday School...attendance for that is really pretty pathetic (and, we're to blame, too...we tend to skip Sunday School most Sunday's just because there's not a class that's just jumped out at us...) Anyways, so that's what I'm thinking...making Sunday School more like Sunday School!! LOL :) Or, more like SS how I remember it!! :) We also need to clean out & re-organize our classroom's supply thingy (it's one of those rubbermaid things with the 3 drawers...we have storage issues, because in a lot of the SS rooms, we share with our daycare, and can't touch a lot of their stuff.)

Well, I'd better go...I'd like to make it to the dollar store before women's group tonight, and I need to get to church early so I can make some copies of tonight's recipe :) It's the Weight Watcher's cornflake chicken that's supposed to be really good :) We'll see...I've yet to make it...Maybe I can try making it for next week's meeting...Interesting...
Okay...Talk to ya later :) 

OHHHH...I wanna the recipe! That sounds good! I've got to try to do better and cook dinners at home, but it has to be simple and things that I've heard of!
I LOVE your bracelet! My brother got me a bracelet that has Pita Pocket's name on it. I just love it! The problem is that we thought Pita Pocket would be a March baby, so my brother got the blue stones for March and he was born April 2nd! I tell him that blue is for a boy, so it works out great!
Lots of Love!
I want one of those for my Piglet! I got one for Christmas with my name on it, but I'd rather have Piglet's. Maybe I'll get one for Mother's Day. I think it's great how involved you are with church and trying to make things better! Churches need more people like you! Hope the Weigh In went well! Love ya!
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