So, I've been blinkie hunting again, and check these out!! :)

Today we went to a birthday party at a VERY cute little place in Springfield called Teaberries at the Heart of Country Gift Shop...VERY girly, and very country (like how I like to do the majority of my decorating :) ) Anyways, VERY cute, and the food was very good, and not too outrageously priced...very nice for a girly luncheon kinda thing :) It was a lot of fun...and of course I bought a few little things...
Tomorrow night's the last night for our small group...I'm kinda glad...I'm thinkin' we need a break from it for a while...I've just been in the dumps lately...don't really know why...probably hormonal...Anyways, I'm just feeling a little (okay, a lot) discouraged right now at church...It's just frustrating...when people's major complaints are communication problems, the same people do everything, yada yada yada, but when someone new tries to do something, it's not met with a great response...kinda like that "That's not how we've done it in the past" kind of attitude...I'm just feeling down...and nobody realized that the problem (you know, the CORE problem) isn't the communication it's the leadership, and the role (or lack of) that leadership is playing... This is my theory...there are the "core" people who don't want to run it like an "organization" if you will, so because of this, there is no standard procedure for communication...also, there is not a whole lot of taking up of responsibility...I'm just frustrated, and I need to PRAY & GET IN THE WORD for myself before I start broaching these subjects by myself...I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, either...I'm feeling guilty because I'm griping, and I'd like to fix it, or help fix it, but I just don't know how...it's gonna take more than just me deciding things aren't working, and going to take more than other people griping about it, too...there needs to be some action, ya know?!?! Okay, I'm sorry if you all don't get what I'm trying to say...I've just needed to get that off my chest, and I didn't want to get too specific...All churches have their problems, it's not about that for me...it's about helping & trying to strive to be what we're supposed to be doing...Just keep our church in your prayers...
Okay, moving on...I think I'm going to check out Sinclair again...I've been warring with myself over where to start, WSU or Sinclair, and right now we're in Mont. county so we'd get a "cheaper" rate/credit hr. And, if I ever decided that wasn't enough, or whatever, I could always go to WSU after I've completed Sinclair. I don't know what their protocol is for that, though...I might end up somewhere else, who knows? Maybe UD (although I've heard they're very expensive)...I don't know, just keep me in your prayers with that, too. I really do miss teaching, and I think I'm ready to go back, maybe in the fall? We'll see...like I say, a lot's still gotta happen before I apply again...Maybe it'll be in the summer? Again, we'll see...I could always take gen. eds in the summer...and ease my way back into it...
Okay, that was totally just me "thinking out loud"...I'm kinda excited, kinda nervous about going back to school...I need finish something...I'm bad about starting something & not finishing it...even though I love that "finished" feeling...I think that's why I like to craft...I get that finished feeling after I complete a project like that...
Well, I'd better go...King's home tonight, and Princess is back from Mammy & Papa's, so it's family nite here!! :) I don't know what we're going to do...maybe I can talk King into ordering some pizza? YUM :)

I know exactly what you are talking about and it's hard. People don't like change....they think they do, but they don't! Communication is a BIG problem that churches have. We think that communication is a bulletin and a monthly newsletter! LOL! Sometimes we use that a lot more than talking!!!!! I'll keep you in my prayers!!!!!
Good luck with the whole school thing! I would LOVE to go back to school! I want to take classes that I couldn't take when I was in college! Hubby said I can do that the year we DON'T get a paycut and when debt is gone....hopefully BOTH will be next year! LOL!
Lots of Love!
Hi Braintwin....I totally get what you are saying about the whole church thing....and it's highly frustrating when you feel so excited about doing something new but can't get people to see your vision...the vision that God has put in your heart...Pray pray pray...and I'll be praying for you!
Also praying about the whole going back to school thing...I entertain the idea occassionally as well lol...but have yet to act on it...so maybe you'll inspire me! lol...or I'll live vicariously through you like I do when sister journals about going to the gym! lol
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