So, this is just a little click in time to show you how gracious Missy & MacDaddy were to us all on New Year's Eve!! LOL LOTS OF KIDS, and they had a blast :) And, how cute is I-Man holding both of the babies, like, "are you serious?!?!" LOL Very funny :) You should've seen all the commotion to get those pictures. It was absolutely like the Paparazzi!! Maybe even worse, that's why they're all looking in different directions!! LOL There were Mommies & Mammy's/Mimi's/Grandmas holding cameras!! LOL Lots of fun...I think Steve even got it on video, too, but I'm not sure....we might've forgotten the video camera...I don't remember...
Anyways, Princess is feeling better, finally!! We took her to the dr. on Monday, and he said it was definately an ear infection (her 1st ever) and prescribed Amox & these numbing ear drops (which are SO much fun to put in, btw ::rolling eyes::), so she's been on the Amox for a couple days, now, and she's definately acting like a different kiddo. She's just still so stinkin' whiny, though, and now it's just more of a manipulative, "but don't you remember my ears used to hurt me" kind of whine...UGH!! And, she's waking up during the night (like, at least 2-3 times a night!!!) and that is getting OLD...fun being a Mommy, sometimes, huh? LOL Actually, I can't complain too much, because Steve's been really good about sharing the middle of the night wake up calls, too...but it's just easier (and quicker) for me to do it, ya know? Last night I think she woke up from a bad dream, though, and that was different...She's never done that before...
Okay, so there's the sickie update :)
Tonight's AWANA, and I don't know that I should take her...She's still not feeling great, and she's awfully whiny, I guess we'll just have to see how it goes the rest of the day.
Saturday's GIRL DAY!! :) LOL I'm meeting Carebear & EnglishTeacher at Live.Love.Scrap (visit www.livelovescrap.com to get a "feel" for the place...it's so cool inside!!). We're gonna scrap for a little bit, and it's a potluck, so there will be eating & girl talk involved :) This shop just expanded their cropping room & it's HUGE!! :) It's actually in the same store as the Hallmark store (where Daisy & I used to work before they went out of business), all except the wall doesn't go all the way over on one side...but the cropping room is where I used to work the most!! It was where all the collectables were (Precious Moments, Boyd's Bears, Dept. 56, MJ Hummels (those collectors are CrAzY!!), and the "perfect mint" coin collections). Anyways, it's weird because the carpet's the same, and even where you get to the backroom is the same, but that's where the familiarity stops...it's amazing what they can do with drywall!! LOL :)
Wow, where did that come from?!?! LOL I must be in a weird mood.
So, anyways, that's what I'm looking forward to this weekend!! :) I still haven't figured out the whole babysitting situation, yet, but I hope that's cleared up soon...I know that Princess would LOVE to come "crap" (that's what she calls "crafts"), but I don't think that would be a whole lot of fun...although, she's got a few pictures she can use, and I've got a lot of those older "starting to scrapbooking" embellishments & stuff that she could use, so I think she'd have fun, but I don't know how much I'd get done...
Okay, better go...I just wanted to pop in, really, and share that pic & to say that Princess is alright (although, I could've diagnosed her ear infection...it was pretty much a dead giveaway when she was wimpering & cupping her ear & saying "m-m-my e-e-ear h-h-hurts-s, Moooommmy." Bless her heart...now I know she's milking it, though :) LOL
Have a great day, everyone!! :)
I am soooooo sorry that she had an ear infection! That is neat about the drops - although I am sure they were no fun getting in...if they helped the pain, that is cool. We've never had those before. So, glad she is getting better...and I agree, the middle of the night stuff is the pits!
Umm...I could watch her on Saturday if you wanted. We don't have anything planned and FAB would love to play with her. So, keep me in mind if you want! I know the drive would be the pits, but I am available! It would be not as much fun for you to have her with you. So let me know!
LOVE the picture!!! That was so fun! I really did have a great time having everyone over on NYE. Love ya!!!!
I had to laugh at how Princess loves to "crap". Too funny! I look forward (or maybe I don't) to Piglet-isms. Sorry about the ear infection, but at least she's getting better...
Have fun Saturday! Love ya!
Sorry about the ear infections. We had MANY with Pita Pocket the last two years. The drops work well, but I remember having to have two of us to put the drops in his ears....but they do work well.
Hope you have fun with "craps". That is precious! Pita Pocket loves to do that kind of stuff! I'm sure Princess would have fun with you...but you NEED to time with the girls!!!!!!!!
Gonna go check out the website!
Lots of Love!
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