So, we got up, ate breakfast, then headed over to the Prime Outlets at Lodi (Lo-die). We walked around, bought a few things, then ate lunch & Princess fell asleep before we left the parking lot!! LOL That was all part of the plan. We reached the inlaws around 4ish, so we made pretty good time, too :)
The weekend was OK :) I didn't commit any murders or lose my temper (although with his little brother, I would've been justified giving him a spanking on more than one occasion). He's such a BIG baby...seriously, I'm not even exaggerating...He's 25 going on 3...But, other than that, it was OK...I met a very neat young lady, Nigeria (because that's where she's from). She's an international student, and is staying the summer with one of King's Aunts & Uncles (cousins, think King's Best Man & His wife, & ring bearer...who is 10 or 11 by now!!). Anyways, she was VERY easy to talk to, and we had a very nice chat...we just instantly clicked, ya know? It was fun...and we found out we share the same Birthday!! :) Although, she's 6yrs. younger than me...whatever :) LOL
It was a pretty easy-going Saturday, and Sunday was church & a big family cook out at the inlaws place. It was fun!! I learned how to play Bochie Ball (I have no idea how it's spelled, but that's how it sounded to me!!) It's kinda like lawn bowling...I missed the cornhole game, though...I guess they're not redneck enough for that...
Well, I'd better go. Oh, our drive home on Monday went well, and we finally got to eat at Cracker Barrell!!

Oh, I forgot to say that I've also been addicted to Mt. Dew this past weekend, too...I try not to drink it, but I just couldn't help it.

Well, I know there was other stuff I wanted to mention, but I can't remember them all right now...Oh, please pray for Daisy...we think there's something wrong with her gallbladder...she's in some terrible pain, and Urgent Care gave her a prescript, but she doesn't see the dr. until tomorrow, so just keep her in your prayers. I know she's hating this, and I can't blame her. She's staying at Mom & Dad's right now so they can help her with SweetiePie :) Speaking of SweetiePie, she is growing like a weed!! She's starting to really smile & coo at us, now!! So sweet & so exciting!! :)
Better go...I finally got back to the gym today, and now I'm all stinky...time to hit the showers!! :)

Praying for Daisy and hoping nothing is seriously wrong! Glad your parents are there to lend a hand!
Yeah for not killing anyone! :) Sounds like you had a good trip even if King's bro needed a few spankings! :)
Glad you guys had a safe and good visit! Please keep us posted on George.....we will be praying for her!!!!!
We missed you guys on Monday....but glad you had some PA family much as they get on your nerves, it is good for Princess to be around them some too!!!
Love ya!
I'm very glad that murder was not on your top 10 things to do (and got done) this weekend!!! LOL!
We got stuck in those storms too! It was sooooo scary! We drove in them from outside OH to Bowling Green, KY. We even went through hail. When we finally thought "we need to stop" we were in the middle of no where!!!!
Glad you're back and we're praying for Daisy!
Lots of Love!
We saw the hail, too!! After dinner, and when we were catching up to the storm, we wondered why people were slowing down, and there was about an ince & 1/2 big balls of hail laying on the hadn't even melted yet!! SCARY!! I think that storm stretched all the way down to TN!! One of the hotels we stopped at (& were all booked up for the night) had a weather TV on, and the map was ALL green & yellow all the way down there!! BIG storm!!
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