Anyways, not much going on here...I don't think I'm going to PT practice tonight...Over the weekend, I kinda got a sore/congested throat...I felt fine other than the coughing & junk in my throat...I'm getting over it, I just don't want to hurt anything...take any chances...ya know what I mean...SO, I think that leaves going out to supper with my Mom & Daisy & the kiddos after our hair apt. tonight :) I have got to tell her that I felt like a skinned rabbit last time, and to not cut it so short this time :) LOL I'm really likin' my hair right now...It's at a great length...really, I could probably go another week or 2, but it's easier if I have to take Princess, to go with Mom & Daisy...
SO, that's what's happening tonight!! I'm on Day #2 going to the gym!! YAY ME!! :) No more "I'll go tomorrow's" I've gotta just do it...
Did I tell you that I got a few vegtable plants for a very small garden we're going to plant in our back yard? MIL has a little round patch of garden where she grows her asperagus, and that got me to thinking...I don't need to start out with the whole honken garden in rows, I could just do 3 plants, and go from there if I want!! So, I got a tomato plant, a green pepper plant, and a zucchini plant, and some marigolds to trim it out & keep the rabbits away (Although, from my story yesterday, we may not have to worry about rabbits for a while!! LOL) Anyways, I'm kinda excited, and am ready to plant 'em up...I, myself, don't like tomatoes (I know, I'm weird), but Princess loves 'em, and King, too, and I like salsa, and my friend English gave me the idea of making my own I'm looking forward to that!! :)
Well, I'd better go...I have to get ready to go to the hair place...It's all the way in X, so I need to leave in about 30min...

Have I mentioned how jealous I am of your pretty blog page??? How in the world do you do all that??? It looks great!
Yeah for a garden! I would love to have one too, but I can hardly keep flowers alive, much less food! Good luck!
CONGRATS on going to the gym two days in a row....after 30 days, it's a habit!!! LOL!
I love that picture did ya do that?!!?!?!
I'm sure our plants are dead by now. We've been away from watering them for 1 1/2 weeks now! LOL! I'll just have to get some stuff from the homemade salsa! yummy!
Hope you have a great day!
Lots of Love!
LOVE the cube. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!! My blog looks naked compared to yours. Good job working out. I keep telling myself I'll go too, but yeah haven't made it since like November.
Good luck with the garden, if you need any help, I can ask my wanta-bee farmer husband. Our garden is HUGE. But it will be yummy to eat it all in a few months.
brat...I mean brain beat me to the Americana theme!!! lol...Beautiful job!! your blog looks purtiful...that cube thing is cool but I can only see it on my work computer cuz I have dial up at home and we all know how much dial up sucks! But anyways it is way cool!
Glad that ya'll had a good visit with the in-laws!
And best of luck with the started garden...that's the way to do it! Even though you all definately have room for a big garden...but if you're like me (and we aren't brain twins for nothing) the bigger the garden, the more weeds I grow! lol
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