This past weekend was so powerful for me... Actually, any time I get to spend with my ultra-wise cousins leaves an impression, but this weekend touched me beyond comprehension, and I am still processing, really.
The subject of our Grandpa & family history came up, and where I don't want to over-share (hehe, I know, that line is often blurred here!! HAHA), I will say, God's hand on our family's lives is so evident. Where tragedy and desperation could've been the outcome, God changed our lives forever, literally, a girl inviting my Aunt to church after she met has changed the course of our history.
I am so in awe right now. I love Him. I do.
Yesterday at church, I couldn't keep it in. Every song that we sang in worship time, just affirmed the fact to me, just made the Truth that much sweeter, and I shared, as condensed, yet as clearly as I could, like someone who was ready to explode!! LOL
During our "meet & greet" time I shared with my Share Group Sister, and she said, "You have to share that today. I'm serious!" I wasn't convinced, but couldn't shake it, either. After I butted in (haha), another worship singer said, "That is answer to prayer, I just prayed for a testimony to happen," it was like God saying to my heart, "Girl, you did good." LOL :) Refreshing to my soul :) The whole weekend.
And, even as I'm home, back to the "real world" of "real life" I am being constantly reminded that He's in control, that I don't have to be, and that I have an awesome God, Father, Friend to run to, to come to my rescue, in the most real sense of the word superhero.
Speaking of real life, mine is calling, now :) hehe Talk to you all later :)