This is Princess & King before the SCC concert :) I told her that she was at her 1st concert & she got SO excited!! :) LOL When the concert started, though, she got a little scared, and CLUNG to either King or me...She was OK once the louder & faster songs were over :) LOL So funny...who knew that a kid of mine & King's would NOT like loud music?!?! LOL She might grow out of that, though hehehehe...
We got a later start than we had planned (what else is new, huh? LOL), but we still had plenty of time before the concert to walk around the fair...and because it was a weeknight & threatening rain, the crowd wasn't bad AT ALL :) It was very enjoyable :) Except for the heat...there was NO air moving & it was just so stinkin' hot & humid!! We were dripping with sweat just standing still...Thank heavens the concert place was air conditioned!! What a blessing!! :)
Princess was still too short to go on any rides, but that didn't seem to really bother her. I think she would've enjoyed a couple of the rides, but we just didn't mess with that. We figured next year we won't be able to get away with that!! LOL She was about 5in. too small for about every ride (give or take a couple inches!! LOL).
SO, we didn't get home until almost midnight, but Princess was already asleep, and after carrying her to her bed (we just took off her shorts & let her sleep in her T-shirt last night), we both crashed!! LOL It was a lot of walking & a LOT of HEAT!! LOL
Today we're just chilling out...tonight I have an eyebrow apt., but other than that, not much else. Tomorrow is Zoo Day!! LOL I think Princess will LOVE that :) Mom & Dad are going with us, too, so that should be fun :) We're leaving here about 8:30-9a.m. to pick them up, then stopping for breakfast at Hardee's in Springfield (I LOVE breakfast at Hardee's). Mom's making a picnic lunch for us to eat at the zoo (Princess will LOVE that!!), and we'll probably stop somewhere on the way home tomorrow night...Another trip to Columbus, but it'll be fun :) It's not that bad a trip up there, really, especially if you miss the rush hour traffic...
Well, I'd better go...Oh, I think Jodi asked what hotel we're staying at in KY...We're staying at the Comfort Inn, too!! I agree, it is a lot more fun when we all stay at the same hotel :) Since we're going on vacation again, right after (we're going to the Smokie's again :) ), Daisy & BB & King & me are sharing a hotel room again (cheaper, so we can save some $$ for the rest of the week!!).
Okay, seriously, better go...I do read journals, but please don't be offended if I don't comment...Sometimes I just don't have time to, then forget later!! LOL But, I always enjoy reading about ya'll's days!! :)
We got a later start than we had planned (what else is new, huh? LOL), but we still had plenty of time before the concert to walk around the fair...and because it was a weeknight & threatening rain, the crowd wasn't bad AT ALL :) It was very enjoyable :) Except for the heat...there was NO air moving & it was just so stinkin' hot & humid!! We were dripping with sweat just standing still...Thank heavens the concert place was air conditioned!! What a blessing!! :)
Princess was still too short to go on any rides, but that didn't seem to really bother her. I think she would've enjoyed a couple of the rides, but we just didn't mess with that. We figured next year we won't be able to get away with that!! LOL She was about 5in. too small for about every ride (give or take a couple inches!! LOL).
SO, we didn't get home until almost midnight, but Princess was already asleep, and after carrying her to her bed (we just took off her shorts & let her sleep in her T-shirt last night), we both crashed!! LOL It was a lot of walking & a LOT of HEAT!! LOL
Today we're just chilling out...tonight I have an eyebrow apt., but other than that, not much else. Tomorrow is Zoo Day!! LOL I think Princess will LOVE that :) Mom & Dad are going with us, too, so that should be fun :) We're leaving here about 8:30-9a.m. to pick them up, then stopping for breakfast at Hardee's in Springfield (I LOVE breakfast at Hardee's). Mom's making a picnic lunch for us to eat at the zoo (Princess will LOVE that!!), and we'll probably stop somewhere on the way home tomorrow night...Another trip to Columbus, but it'll be fun :) It's not that bad a trip up there, really, especially if you miss the rush hour traffic...
Well, I'd better go...Oh, I think Jodi asked what hotel we're staying at in KY...We're staying at the Comfort Inn, too!! I agree, it is a lot more fun when we all stay at the same hotel :) Since we're going on vacation again, right after (we're going to the Smokie's again :) ), Daisy & BB & King & me are sharing a hotel room again (cheaper, so we can save some $$ for the rest of the week!!).
Okay, seriously, better go...I do read journals, but please don't be offended if I don't comment...Sometimes I just don't have time to, then forget later!! LOL But, I always enjoy reading about ya'll's days!! :)
Uh...I thought we were staying at the Days Inn....the one with the waterfall indoor pool thing...where we used to stay ions ago. Could be wrong...but that is what I thought.
SO glad you guys had fun last night and the weather held!!! I haven't been to the State Fair in years, so I didn't realize they had an indoor concert area. Hubby's friend from work was there too last night...he called us from there because he ran into a guy that was good friends of Hubby's and BB's in college....anyways...I told Hubby you were there too. Cool! Glad you got to see your "other" Steven!!!
Have fun at the zoo tomorrow! I bet Princess will LOVE it!
Love ya!!!
Yeah, don't feel bad about not commenting...I don't comment all the time either!
Have a great trip!
Glad you had so much fun. You have a packed few weeks ahead of you with the reunion and Gatlinburg! Have fun and stay COOL!
Lots of Love!
Okay, whatever the hotel's name is, we're talking about the same one!! LOL The one with the fancy waterfall/bridge pool :) LOL I always forget what the name of that one is...
Sorry, had to clear that up :) LOL
I know we're all talking about the same hotel...why can't you see the one I'm talking about sister??? lol...leave it to me and brain twin to not know the name of the hotel but to call it the same wrong name!! lol
I'm 'cited as I-man would say! lol
your word verification thing hates me...second attempt...lol!!!!
Glad you had fun at the concert and Princess got to experience her first one! Have fun at the zoo today!
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