Okay, so I'm REALLY behind on posting...I've just not felt like doing anything the last few days, even though I've been pretty busy...I just haven't felt like getting online at all...
Let's see, since I know you're all waiting with bated breath, I'll relay my crazy end of week/weekend/beginning of week rundown :) LOL :)
Thursday was Princess's 2nd Birthday (I think I already posted that), and we weren't able to get the big gift at Toys R Us on Thursday, so that was my game plan for Friday...She had a 2yr checkup, and it went great!! It was the 1st one King's missed, he was so disappointed...Dr. Matt said that her speech is like a 3-yr old!! Not just her speech, but her language skills, because she kept referring to herself as "I" (like, "I want the toy" not "Me want the toy"). He kept talking to her, and she was just so excited to visit with him, and was really still when he listened to her heart, and checked her out. He said he was very impressed with her...Of course, that made me beam with pride!! LOL :) I was starting to think I was one of "those" parents from Dr. Phil who thought she was a REAL genius, not just parental pride, ya know? It was neat to hear it from Dr. Matt :)
Then, we went to the Teacher Store by the Dmall!! :) WOW!! Teacher Geek Heaven, is all I've gotta say!! LOL :) I had a blast in there, and Princess was pretty good...a little antsy, but good...I FINALLY got stuff for the bulletin board at church (be quiet, I know it's taken forever, but we haven't really had the money until now...I got stuff for the spring, too :) Aren't you proud?!?! LOL) I'm going to fix it up tomorrow while King's home with Abbey :) Anyways, after the Heavenly Teacher Geek Store, we went to Toys R Us down there, and they DID have the kitchen we wanted, it was the last one!! So, I got that, and a Strawberry Shortcake doll (which I have to take back, because she's not very cute...they're changing her look again, or something...). Anyways, she's going back...so then, after all that, I took the kitchen home (Princess was asleep in the backseat), I put it in the house, then we left again, and ate at Frisch's, then went to see King at Blockhead, and then went to my parent's house for a little bit. King came over after work, and we hung out, and then left & came home...a day that became VERY LONG, but fun, and productive, too :)
Saturday, I had to get the house ready for our small group catch up (we watched the last 2 sessions), and then Princess & I just kinda hung out after they left...We ordered a pizza, though, one of those new ones from Pizza Hut (where you "pluck" off the ends of the pizza, and there's like a little stuffed crust mini there...just get a stuffed crust pizza...it's the same thing)...
Sunday, was, of course, church...and I forgot I had fellowship...so I got clean up duty!! LOL :) It wasn't that bad...they had plenty of food, and there wasn't really much to clean up...then, we came home, Princess took a nap, and I piddled around (I watched "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" VERY good :) )...then we went to Mom & Dad's to ignore the Superbowl LOL :) I had to bake a cake while I was there for a lady at church...I told you, since that one cake I baked for that girl's birthday party a few weeks ago, I knew I'd be asked again...So, I baked it Sunday....
And then went back over to their house to ice it on Monday...I think that it turned out alright, but I was late for Women's Group!! Argh!! I really do hate being late, but it couldn't be avoided...I had to wait on Princess to wake up from her nap to leave for Mom & Dad's, then I had to watch her & decorate a cake at the same time...Let me tell you, NOT easy...she's discovered climbing, and scooting chairs to climb up on the countertop, or check out what's on the stovetop...FUN...So, I finally got that iced, and Princess had to eat, and I thought I still had a half hour while I was fixing the cake, and, uh, no, it was 6:45...So, I rushed through cleanup and got on my way around 7 (it starts at 7) Those ladies were really nice about it, though...I'm so aggravated, because I have to pretty much everything on my own, at all times...King's just so busy, and isn't here...but tax season is almost 1/2 over...Thank the Lord!! :)
So, Tuesday morning, GirlyPastor came & picked up the cake, and gave me more than I asked for, and was on her way, and Princess & I just hung out until it was her naptime...Then it was off to get my hair cut, and help BB & Daisy with their baby registry...It was a lot of fun :)
That pretty much brings us current!! LOL :) I was FINALLY able to go to the gym today, and tonight I'm meeting a gal from High School for dinner (with Princess)...Then it's off to find a gift for King...He's the BIG 3-0 tomorrow!! :)
Well, I'd better go...I need to shower, cause I didn't at the gym...Talk to ya later, and I'll try to catch up the last couple days (I've been "lurking" some, so I don't think I'm too far behind...) Anyways, God Bless You!! :)
WOW girlie...you HAVE been a busy little bee! I'm glad things are going well though, I was worried about ya! Your hubby was so nice and e-mailed me about our taxes...I used to love tax time, not so much now! LOL!
Glad you found that kitchen! Pita Pocket turns 3 in April and I keep finding things I want to give him, but he has so much!!!
Have a great time tonight! We are going to have to share cake decorating tips....I LOVE doing that. I'm not that good at it, but I love it.....I get consumed in the decorating!
Lots of Love!
Glad to see you post!!! I have missed catching up on you! I am so glad that King turns 30 before me...hehhehheheh!
FAB plays with her little kitchen all the time! She loves to climb up on her stool and just play and play with her kitchen...and it is just a wooden one with no bells and whistles!
I hope that you make it through the rest of tax season...I know how hard that is!!
Love ya!
Glad to have you "back". Princess is so cute!
You need to post a picture of the cake. Did you take one? I wish I was "gifted" like you and HBM are. Neat!
Have a good day! Love ya!
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