Let's see...I've been pretty busy, and haven't been feeling very well all at the same time...yesterday I was so sick of this stuff, and I just stayed home from church to sleep some more, since I think that's part of the problem...I hadn't been resting, either...So, that was my Sunday :) It was a very nice lazy one :)
Saturday was Daisy George's baby shower :) It was fun :) I got to see English (who I haven't seen in a LONG time), and TalkyTeacher who just had her baby the beginning of Jan. She didn't bring the baby...because the dr. told her not to take her out of the house for her first 6wks...Now, I know that this is the biggest cold & flu season, but she was also saying that she's got some congestion anyways...Am I the only one who thinks not taking her ANYWHERE is a little extreme? They don't go to the store together because one has to stay home with the baby...I think Abbey went to WalMart the day she got out of the hospital!! LOL :) Okay, not quite, but we did stop at McD's on the way home from the hospital...
Anyways, then again, I was probably a little too loose with the "rules" with Princess...But she didn't get sick within the 1st 6wks, either, and I know she'd been to WalMart more than a few times before she was 6wks old. Anyways...I thought I was moving on...
Oh, and I don't mean to offend anyone with all that talk, either!! LOL I just thought it was funny they hadn't taken her anywhere (to church, even!!), and she's almost 6wks. They don't see Dr. Matt, they see Dr. Kathy, who in my opinion, is a little wacko...
Whew, seriously, I'll move on!! LOL :) Friday Princess & I shopped pretty much all day!! :) It was fun :) We went to Toys R Us, then the Teacher Geek Store, then Babies R Us, then we FINALLY started home, and I decided we needed to stop at Target...Oh, wait, we met King at Wal-Mart to eat supper before he had to go to Block, so we got a couple things there...then we went to Target...by this time Princess was saying, "No, Mommy, no Target, Abbey's house!!" Poor thing was ready to go home...but I needed to pick up a few more things from Target...
Then Saturday, again, was Daisy's shower, then after that wrapped up (I really felt sick, but then started feeling a little better after I blew some "stuff" out...sorry if that's tmi), we went to dinner with Daisy's inlaws & my parents :), then came back to Mom&Dad's and sorted through Daisy's baby stuff!! WOW did she get a lot!! :) That girly neice of mine is NOT going to go unclothed!! LOL :)
So, I think that brings us pretty much current...Tonight ladie's meeting has been cancelled because of the funeral for the lady I was telling you about last time...I did bake a cake (not a "bakery" cake, an angelfood pineapple cake...VERY easy recipe, mix the canned pinapple chunks w/ the angel food cake mix (nothing else), and bake it for about 25-30min...you can top it with lite cool whip, like I did, and I added fresh cut & splenda sweetened strawberries on top for some color) for the dinner after that, but I didn't go to the service because of Princess, and I didn't go to the viewing yesterday because I was sick.
Well, I think I'll go & see if I can catch up with you journal goddesses (I've been reading a little, but not had time to post myself...)
Talk to ya later :)