Friday, June 14, 2013

A long, long time ago... there was a blogger named Mandy

I know, I know, it's been forever...

Sorry for being so sporadic... I guess since it's been so long, there's probably not anyone to apologize to! :)

I like picture to tell a story, so I will just leave you with a few to catch you up on how big my kiddos have gotten!!

Abbey finished her Math curriculum for her third grade year, a couple weeks ahead of schedule! (YAY!!)

Eli is a crazy daredevil! (YIKES!!)

I am working on a few projects, and am planning on posting about more homeschooling stuff, some pinterest try outs, and DIY's I've been meaning to get on here.

I haven't forgotten about my testimony, and I will keep sharing that, too. Life is so full and abundant right now, and I am feeling so blessed (and a little crazy). So, I guess it's not a bad thing to not blog because I've been too busy living life.

Edited to Add: I am going to start joining up with So You Call Yourself a Homeschooler's blog hop The Homeschool Mom's Journal. It has moved around a few times, but I finally found it again!! YAY!!

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