I was worried when I first read the title of this book. It sounded a bit self-absorbed, but once I started reading the book I remembered who I was judging! Don't let the title fool you. This is not a book all about Max's wisdom! He definitely points to the One with All Wisdom, and he shares the wisdom he's gained with grace and love.
I wasn't sure I would love the layout of the book, but as the Mom of young children I found it an asset! As I mentioned before, all the questions are grouped together according to content, and numbered. The answers are also short & not chapter-length. The answers are delivered with love and grace, as well as short and to the point. Very easy to pick up and read through, or, as I had to do, put down for a bit until the next moment I could snatch some time to read!
I can definitely say that I have found comfort and peace because of the answers I have personally struggled to answer. I loved the scripture references, because they showed me that Max didn't "pull the answers out of a hat!" I would absolutely recommend this book for everyone. It would make a great witnessing tool, also, and a good gift for someone struggling for answers.
*As a note, I received this book free in exchange for my review.
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