Nothing much going on here today. We've been kinda laying low, and just straightening up a little bit. There's more boxes in here, now, though, because we PUT UP OUR CHRISTMAS TREE!! :) YAY!! :)

Tonight, I'm going grocery shopping for Thanksgiving!! :) I'm taking Sweet Potato Casserole (not with marshmallows...) and I think I'm going to attempt a Chocolate Pecan Pie (I LOVE THOSE!!)

Anyways, what are you all doing for Thanksgiving? I know Missy & JJ are spending it together, and Daisy & I are going to our 'rent's house, but what's everyone else got planned? And, besides eating, how are you going to spend time with your family? Yes, I am writing a book, and this essay will be graded!!LOL I must be in a weird mood :)
Okay, better go...I need to help King figure out the directions on the back of that Stouffer dinner thing...Recipes & directions...what's so hard for men to figure out?!?! LOL :)
Yum...that chocolate pecan pie at Cracker Barrel is so good! I love sweet potato casserole too. I wonder why I'm so hungry all of a sudden? :) Assuming my doctor will still let me off of bedrest for a bit, we're going to the in-law's for lunch and my parents for dinner on Thurs. Big day! Our laundry is never ending too, so don't're not alone!
We are going to TN...we're leaving Wednesday morning. Hubby's parents are first and then my parents! We will be back on Saturday...makes for a long week! That is the last time we will see them until after Christmas! Hope you got to help your hubby with the directions! Lots of Love!
Grr...I can't figure out how to make my journal have links. grr...yours is so much cuter than mine. grr...grrr...grrr!!!
Maybe I will use blinkies now...we'll see!
I am making Broccoli Cheese Casserole and Peanut Butter Pie..and maybe a big cookie. I am going to miss ALL of us being together...but at least we had the, what, about 10 years we did - between Michigan and Kentucky!
Love ya!!!!
KISA and I are going to his mom's for lunch (where I am going to try not to eat too much) and then go to my mom's for supper where I can pig out. And she better make a cheesecake! We have AJ for lunch and then we can pretend we're childless again. Bimmerbutt and my mom are going to pick up Little Buddy for me on Friday to save me a trip. I see from everyone else's comments that they are cooking, so I'll send my home address to y'all and you can send me any all sounds too yummy!
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