First of all, I had a "Ladie's Tea"/Housewarming party to go to, and had NO card, and NO present...plus, I had no idea what to get this lady...she's new to our church, and new to this country, actually...she's originally from Canada...SO, anyways, I just happened to remember that I had a couple of cute things I bought from the Flower Factory (a candle, and a snowman head...be quiet, it's really cute...), that I had originally bought for our Redneck Reunion (think Bingo) back in September, which I happened to accidentally forget...So, I still had those...they were cute, but not too much, and I didn't have to go shopping for something else, I just needed a card...
King came home, and I hadn't even showered yet, if that tells you how my day went yesterday...Princess was all ready, so after dinner (I made chili...YUM), he took her to his Men's group while I was supposed to get a card...I was still running behind at this point and thought, "Wait a minute, why don't you just use your stationary? There are some cute cards in there, you could just write a note!" The problem with this idea was that they were nowhere to be found...I eventually did find some stationary paper, but have yet to find my big box of stationary...So, after writing a nice note, I decide I'll brave the storm and go pick up Princess and head to this shindig, thinking it's only an open house type thing, right? Well, after swimming through the parkinglot (I may be dramatizing this a little), I get to the church, and pick up Princess...King does NOT help me to the van with her, and there are 30mph winds out there, and I'm holding Abbey with a blanket over her head, and my umbrella, and having to open the van door all by myself...
Once I finally got us all in the nice warm van, I realize I didn't have my directions with me, I left them at home!! It was in the same neighborhood as our house, so I figured I could find it ok, I looked at the map, I think I can find it...so after driving around for 20 minutes trying to find this house, I decide to turn around and go home for the directions...
And that brings us to the mailbox...it was so dark & rainly last night, it was hard to see, and I cut my turn too quickly into our driveway, and *BAM* there goes the mailbox!! The top of it, anyways...it's still laying on the ground right now, unless King picked it up this morning...Anyways, I went inside, grabbed my directions, and we were late...and it was NOT "open house" style...the ladies were all sitting around the living room (GORGEOUS HOUSE, btw...JJ, Missy, we would have a field day!! LOL :)) Once we got there, Princess decided she didn't want to be there, and was whiney and cranky...NOT fun...I shouldn't have even tried it...What was I thinking going out with a 21mo old on such a windy yucky night?!?! I'll tell you what I was thinking...GROWN UPS!! LOL I could talk to grown-ups!! LOL :)
After we finally got home, I changed Princess into her PJ's and let her play for a few minutes...then she went to sleep!! :) I fiddled around on here for a little bit, and then I went to bed around 11p.m. (that's early for me!! LOL) King didn't get home from BB's until after midnight, and he said I didn't even roll over when he got home!! LOL :) Wrestling a monkey in the rain will do that to ya...
lol...we've been "shopping" at the same blinkie site....actually...I think I got the link from your page...to Otto's...I think...lol..they all start to run together after a while...anyway...my point is...I love your graphics....prettiful page! Also I visited your website...very pretty too! I made one there last night...but I still have to work on it...so no link yet...but coming soon...I think I've decided to maybe put up pictures of some of my crafts and see if anyone wants to buy it? I dunno...I"m still playing with ideas...
anyway...not my journal but I thought I would tell ya hi...and fun night ya had! The weather was yuck here too...I got drenched leaving work so I'm sure that you were truly swimming in the parking lot!! lol
have a great day...
Okay.....sorry about the mail box! And I hate taking the kids out in the rain!!! Hate it!!!!
And to Sister's comment....I WANT TO BUY YOUR FLAKEY AND FREE SIGN! I should've just stole it from your house!!!!!
Sorry you had a rough Monday..hopefully today is better!!
Love ya....and I SO don't win the contest for "cute blog page"....so I won't even compete for "cute web page"...I don't have the time or the know-how to make it cute!!!
Love ya!
Oh my...no mailbox! That is NOT funny (he he he). No really, it is NOT funny (ha ha ha). I'm so glad that people have the same kind of days that I have! I hate to take Pita Pocket out in the rain. He usually wants to get in the car himself and by then, we're soaked! Hope you have a better night tonight! Lots of Love!
Sorry...laughing too hard to type...whew! Okay, I got that done with. I completely agree with you about wondering why we take our kids any where! My mom tells me it's like that until they're at least 18! Really, I am sorry you had a rough night - but hey, you got to see a gorgous house!
Too funny about the mailbox. I've done something worse than that. When hubby and I were dating, we were driving separately to his parents house and they have a gravel driveway with a ditch on either side near the road, so hubby had pulled over to let me pull in first and I (as I'm waving to him) miss the driveway and pull into the ditch! Okay, not my journal, but hope it makes you feel better! Hope today was better! At least no rain...
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