Friday, August 31, 2007
Had to get that off my chest...
Anyways, today's filled with packing for Reunion (which was already mentioned in Missy's blog) & vacation to the Smokies!! I'm so excited!! I love the mountains...and reunion...I think we're leaving pretty early tomorrow so that we can swim for a bit at our hotel. I finally found one of those floaty things, and even better, it was on clearance!! :) LOVE it when that happens!! This is the same floaty that she did so well year will be the vest, though, I think...this is the first year she's been at all interested in the swimming pool for more than a minute...Our condo in the Smokies has a really neat water area, too...and the best thing is this condo place is right behind the HONKEN scrapbooking store!! LOL They have one of those water tree things...
Anyways...lots going on here...Abbey's learning to write her name!! She's kinda written it before, but I found these printable tracing papers online & am teaching her how to write her name that way. Her "A's" are really good!! She's having a hard time with the "e's" & "b's" but they're a more controlled circle-type shape, and I found these other practice line-things that should help her be able to control her curvy letters...
Sorry, you get teacher talk from a former preschool teacher!! LOL
Anyways, I've gone ahead & made lesson plans for us to follow for after we get back from vacation...when we get back, we're going to have a couple of weeks learning about farms!! :) I think we'll take a trip to a couple of different farms around here...Fulton Farms aren't very far from us, and then there's always Young's...Feed the goats, and eat some ice cream that came from the cows...
At church, we're thinking about doing something different for Christmas...I found a very cool kit from Group Publishing's website ( that's called "A Night in Bethlehem." Instead of there being a play, it's a walk-thru experience through Bethlehem (marketplace, a Jewish family's home, and the nativity, to name a few)...It's reasonably priced, and what I love about it the most is the interaction with people & visitors that just doesn't happen with a Christmas play. Plus, there's so much more to do than act, ya know? There aren't lines to learn, but instead jobs to learn...My ultimate dream (and we'll see how this goes, and if we want to build on it next year) is to have live animals somewhere. We have so much land in the back that's just super cool & could accommodate that...but that is SO not in our budget for this year, plus it's a mess, and we'd have to do some heavy talking-into, I think, to get volunteers for that area!! LOL
Anyways, we have the go-ahead from Pastor & the Elders to order the kit & go for it!! :) I'm excited about it, because there's no rehearsals, no lines to memorize, and it offers a great environment for interpersonal communication!! :) Something our church is really trying to improve...
There is a set to build, though...but I've got an awesome resource for that!! :) Mr. Jan!! :) He's very good at building stuff like that!! :)
Okay, on to different things...
Our Women's Retreat is coming up in October...I'm getting excited about that...and so are the other ladies. Things are coming along just fine...we're just getting close, here....
I'd better get a move on...I'm working on laundry for this week/end!! :)
Love you all!! :)
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
VBS went GREAT!! I wish I had a picture to share with you, but our camera is broken...actually, it's the battery door that's broken, so it won't stay on without holding it HARD...a pain...bummer, too, cause I love to take pictures...
Our VBS numbers were down this year, we think it's because it was pretty late in the summer...SO, we'll know for next year. We're hoping for a July VBS next year...and we've already scoped out the materials...After fitting this one together piece by piece, I asked Traci, my partner in crime, "Um, next year, can we, um, buy a kit?" LOL The next day she got a thing in the mail (at church) for a LifeWay VBS 2008 Conference in Nashville, TN in January...and our Youth Minister said, yes, we could go, and the youth fund would pay for our conference fees (not room & board while we're there, but he said they might take up a collection closer to time to go towards that...) Anyways, isn't that AWESOME?!?! That might not be a big deal to some of you all, but our church isn't doing great financially (there are issues from the past that are "haunting" us today...the "founding preacher" & all that...) Anyways, the not so funny joke is, whoever leads a ministry is in charge of paying for it...out of pocket...There just doesn't seem to be enough to go around after Pastor's paid (and he's barely paid, really, imo) and the bills are paid...So, this VBS thing, to me, is a big deal!! LOL :)
I'm thinking that for the next few women's things, we'll have to start charging a little. This also means that you get a better turn out because they're literally invested!! I hadn't thought about it that way, but it makes sense. Whatever surplus there may be leftover, we could plug it into the Women's Retreat fund. Women's Retreat is fun...and is gonna be fun this year :)
I just got to listen to Chuck Swindol a little on the radio this afternoon, and he was talking about churches taking collections for different things, not just tithes. He said it's absolutely Biblical to do this because God Himself instructed Moses to take a collection from the Israelites when they left Egypt. Gold, Silver, Bronze, purple cloth, grains, etc... I hadn't thought of it that way, but that's exactly what He told them to do. They had a specific need & took up a collection for it. Now, that's all I heard, and there may be more to the story. Just typing that out I know that there is still an issue of being a good steward with our funds & relying on God to fulfill all our needs. And, having said that, don't you think He fulfills those with special offerings?
Okay, enough about that...
I watched Katie for Chelle this morning/afternoon...That girl is at such a fun age right now!! She's starting to say words, and makes all kinds of silly faces, she's just a hoot. I felt brave, and needed laundry detergent!! LOL, and carted both of them with me to Target. We had fun!! We also ate lunch there, and things went very smoothly, I the time we got home, they were both ready for a nap, so that was good timing, too. I finally got to clean the bathroom!! What an exciting life I lead!! :) LOL
I had a dr's apt. this past Monday with Dr., we're not pregnant...yet!! :) I can't believe it...I'm off my pills, so we'll see what happens. She said she'd give me until Thanksgiving to see what my cycles are going to do, and if they're not regular, then she's starting me on Clomid...Missy, funny, she said, "You've been on Clomid before, right?" LOL I said, "Um, no, but my cousin Missy has!" LOL Funny how they get us confused still...
SO, prayers for that, please? Not just getting pregnant...but a HEALTHY FULL-TERM & HEALTHY BABY pregnancy...On some ttc message boards I've frequented before, they ended every post with "baby dust" & some .-*-.-*-. thing...anyways, I've got a blinkie somewhere that blinks "TTC" I'll have to find...I don't want to get "baby dust" on someone who doesn't WANT baby dust!! LOL :) Actually, it's nothing like "dust" if you ask me...but I'm getting gross...
On that wonderful note!! HAHA!! :)
Love you all...
Monday, August 13, 2007
"I have value. I have worth. No matter how I feel, God’s word is true. He loves me. He values me. I am important."
Bonita Lillie, She Speaks Graduate, Proverbs 31 Ministry
I Peter 3:3-4, “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hear and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gently and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.” (NIV)
So, this is a deep-thought moment…for now!! Hehehe…I read my Proverbs 31 devotion today, and, of course, it hit me right where I’m at today. I’ve been struggling this week with my self-image, if you will. Probably on a few levels because of what the Lord brought to mind today. First of all, I’ve been feeling inadequate. I’ve not finished college. Actually, I did really horrible the last few quarters at Sinclair, and have always felt like I’ve left something undone there. Now, I’ve shared with you all my dream of going back to school to become a certified teacher. Well, my “lack of schooling” has been making me feel inferior lately. I realize in my head that it’s the evil one trying to discourage me, especially this week, from being effective in VBS ministry, but it’s been bothering me nonetheless. But, did you read that first statement up there? No matter how I’m FEELING, I am worthy because I am God’s. That is such a hard concept for me because of all my feelings of inferiority. I don’t talk about it much, but this stems back from school, I think. Just that “never good enough no matter what I do” kind of thinking. When I didn’t do great on a test, that was like telling me I was below average. I didn’t get the message that I had it in me, and could try harder…I probably heard that message, but because of whatever, I didn’t REALLY hear it, ya know? So, anyways, just something to think about. To ponder with my heavenly Father. I love to hear from Him that it’s not all about me, but HIM IN ME that’s so important!! I don’t do anything by myself… It’s not just me…and I’m not just doing “stuff” just to be doing “stuff.” All for HIS glory, His kingdom, so that HIS message, through me, gets to as many more people as possible before He returns…
The second “level” (I don’t know if it ranks above or below the other one!! LOL). I don’t know if I’ve shared things with you about my perception of God changing…For some reason, I got the impression that every consequence the Lord dished out in the Old Testament (i.e. specifically the banishment from
Well, that’s as much as my brain can handle, but I needed to journal that so I didn’t forget it. I love writing in a prayer/devo journal (hand-written, just between me & the Lord), but there doesn’t seem to be much time for that. I’ve got to start making time…probably in the mornings before Abbey gets up? Sorry, “type-thinking” out loud…
So, tonight is the start of VBS…I’ve been struggling the past week with “adequateness” and the perception that other volunteers (not the other director, but the other volunteers for the week) just didn’t care about it, really, and that all of our work was silly or unimportant. SO, yesterday at church, I got a CLEAR word from the Lord, through His people, that He approved, and wasn’t that all that mattered, anyways? I can’t make others do or feel how I want them to feel. I can’t make them do anything. God’s in that business, and as my favorite SCC songs says, “God is God, and I am NOT!” I LOVE that!! And, some people better be glad that I’m NOT God!! LOL Makes me think of Bruce Almighty a little…BTW, has anyone seen Evan Almighty? It’s at our cheap theatre already, and I’d love to see it soon…um, not this week, though!! LOL Anyways, so, all of that to say, I was struggling with that, but the Lord affirmed me that that was only MY perception of the situation…not the reality…*side note, The Lord’s also teaching me that I shouldn’t always go with my perception of “stuff” because it’s always gonna be skewed by something!! Emotions, situation, body language, misunderstanding, the list could go on & on, so I’ll spare you!! LOL
Okay, better go…Talk to you all later…and more prayers for VBS & stuff?
Love you all!! :)
Thursday, August 02, 2007
I Peter 4:7-11
7The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. 8Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 9Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. 11If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.
Okay, so, talk about affirmation!! LOL I love how God truly speaks through His Word!! :) He's so awesome!! I took that to mean, for me specifically, at this season of my life, to give up maybe one more commitment at church...right now I'm thinking it's between Sunday School & Children's Church...I still don't know...Still need to pray about that, I guess...It would be awesome if we could get another teacher for the preschoolers (that would be Abbey & her friend Alex, and a couple of others, actually...I think more would come if we could get that class started...) Anyways, would you please help me pray about this? Children's Church isn't that big a's one Sunday a month, and without worrying about Fellowship, now, that's not such a big deal...And, Sunday School gets me there early!! LOL
So, today was spent hopping over to church to talk to the secretary for a bit (I decided to skip Women's Bible Study today because I need to get on the ball with a bunch of VBS stuff.) Anyways, after that, we met Mom @ Chick-Fil-A!! :) YUM-O!! :) (While there, I asked about coupons or something for VBS, of course!! LOL Should I be able to write that lunch off as a business expense?!?! LOL). After lunch, Abbey wanted to go with Mammy (like I didn't know that was gonna happen!! LOL), and Mom said she'd take her to the store with her while I ran to Family Christian...I LOVE THAT STORE!! I could literally spend hours there!!
Unfortunately, I didn't have a coupon on me, OR my letterhead note, so that was a "me" trip...sorta...I did end up getting the split trak I needed for VBS...everything's VBS right now!! LOL
But, it was a nice afternoon. I picked Abbey up at Mom & Dad's & saw Matt & Chelle...they were all gussied up for a night out!! They're seeing The Wizard of Oz @ La Comidia tonight to celebrate their anniversary (which was last month!! LOL) Anyways...Abbey fell asleep on our way home, but that didn't last, so she's gonna be a handful tonight @ church...we're watching a video for choir tonight, and limiting practice to 15 minutes or so...It's kinda like a "light" potluck...mostly snacks & stuff, but someone's bringing chili!! :) Free dinner!! WooHoo!! :) Steve bought 50 cookies from Wal-Mart's bakery on his way home so I didn't have to heat the house up more...
So, before my inlaws came last month, I moved a few things around the house. I decided to put Abbey's big toybox in the living room to make her room not feel so crowded, and to do that, of course I had to move the couches around, which means the toybox fits perfectly under where the thermostat is on our wall...Well, this morning before we left Abbey was playing with some toys in her toybox. I was in the bathroom (which is only a few feet from where her toybox is) and I heard the lid go down, and she got realy quiet...then she asked, "Mommy, how do you turn the air conditioner on?" I told her there are buttons, but only Mommy & Daddy can "make the air conditioner come on." I didn't check it before we left...WELL, when we got home this afternoon, the house was HONKEN hot!! Like, there was no difference between outside & inside...I checked the thermostat, and my little princess had turned the thermostat up to 78 degrees!!!!!!!! YIKES!!!!!!!! I love that "whoosh" of cool air you experience when you first come in from outside...oh, well, I talked to her again about it being only Mommy & Daddy's job to "make the a/c come on..." She asked me what her job was!! LOL Then she says, "I think it's my job to play..."LOL Cute!!
Another cute Abbey story, then I'll close this UBER long post...
En route between Huber & Beavercreek, we were listening to the radio, but Abbey wasn't asking any questions or telling me anything (this isn't normal behavior for her right now!! LOL) So, here's the conversation that followed:
Me: Are you okay? Are you thinking?
Abbey: Yes.
Me: Whatcha thinking about?
Abbey: Papa.
Me: What are you thinking about Papa?
Abbey: How we play at my Mammy's house.
Me (trying not to giggle): What do you & Papa play at Mammy's house?
Abbey: We play horseys.
Me: You do?
Abbey: Yeah, Papa says 'Neigh!' and I say 'Geddyup!'
I love to hear what kids are thinking about!! I thought it was so sweet that she was really thinking hard about her Papa & how they play together...Mom bought Abbey a stick horse, and she named it Brownie. When I asked what Papa's horse's name was she said, "Blue" & I had to giggle...Dad uses a blue broom for his "horse"!! LOL
Well, that's it :) I love you all, and Sara, I didn't take offense at all to your first comment for me yesterday!! :) I just tend to dive deeper into my own rationale about things...
Okay, better go get ready...Actually, it's starting to cool down some in here :) THANK THE GOOD LORD!! :)
Love you all!! :)