That's Chris Tomlin leading us in "Indescribable," one of my absolute favorite songs!! :)
Okay, so obviously, I saw Chris Tomlin in concert this past Saturday night!! LOL It was REALLY good!! :) We went with Scott & Missy (and another couple from their church that we really didn't get to talk to), and WOW was it just an awesome time in the Lord. Seriously, it wasn't really like a concert, it was like a VERY upbeat youth revival service or something!! LOL The Lord really spoke to me, and the speaker, Lou Giglio?!?! Wow, he was a great speaker, and really made me think, and expand my brain, and really put God's incomprehendable BIGGNESS into perspective!! Yet, even though our galaxy & space is so huge, God has imprinted Himself all over our creation in the tiniest of cells (now I know called Laninin, see the diagram below) that actually holds all of us together...Amazing...

Okay, so that was just amazing to me...There was more he said, but I'll move on...
The LL went VERY well!! Everyone had a great time!! I got some GREAT feedback from all of it, and I'm SO glad I obeyed!! I was still a little nervous about talking in front of a roomful of ladies, but it went well, and I think that they appreciated what I had to say, and the object lesson that went with it. It was called "Recipe for Friendship" and after I kind of explained all the important things friendship supplies us with, especially in relationship with our Christian sisters, I passed out a basketfull of "ingredients" with their description on it & they read that out loud to the group. It was so awesome, and they were all so supportive!! :) It really went great!! The chocolate fountain & white chocolate fondue went over VERY well & we had plenty of fruit (strawberries were my favorite!!). I'm praying that their enthusiasm with encourage more of the other women in the congregation to participate. We're already planning for May a Mother Daughter Tea!! I'm so excited!! I've got LOTS of ideas already swimming around in my head!! :) I think I need to go ahead & schedule the rest of them for the rest of the year, just so I can get that off my mind. Once they're scheduled, we can focus on the themes for these gatherings, ya know?
Anyways, I'm also wanting to have a Ladies' Movie Night SOON!! I've found a book called "Chick Flicks" that has about 18 or so different movies with meal ideas & fun little games that I think would be cool to do on Friday nights once a month or two. I don't want to overkill, either, ya know? But, as I've been saying to everyone who'll listen, we have to start with fellowship before we can expect our meetings to get too deep. We have to start with a foundation, and that begins with just being with each other more, and laughing more, then the deeper stuff will follow.
At this point, though, consistency is my goal for our Women's Ministry. Consistently meeting together, and not letting events fall through, that sort of thing. I'd love for little Bible Study groups to pop up, and I'd love for there to be more outings for everyone. Those are the future goals. I'd, of course, LOVE to have a Ladies' Retreat, but I don't think we're ready for that, yet. In the past, those have been just a once-a-year things that haven't had any kind of follow-up, and so we have to almost get re-aquainted with everyone again. Not really condusive to a deep level of sharing.
Anyways, I just needed to think that out, so sorry if I lost you!! LOL I need to start carrying around a little pad of paper so I can write these things down as they come to me, because I am AWFUL at remembering them later!!
Okay, I'd better go...It's time for Abbey May to go to bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you guys!! :) And, thanks for praying!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The LL went VERY well!! Everyone had a great time!! I got some GREAT feedback from all of it, and I'm SO glad I obeyed!! I was still a little nervous about talking in front of a roomful of ladies, but it went well, and I think that they appreciated what I had to say, and the object lesson that went with it. It was called "Recipe for Friendship" and after I kind of explained all the important things friendship supplies us with, especially in relationship with our Christian sisters, I passed out a basketfull of "ingredients" with their description on it & they read that out loud to the group. It was so awesome, and they were all so supportive!! :) It really went great!! The chocolate fountain & white chocolate fondue went over VERY well & we had plenty of fruit (strawberries were my favorite!!). I'm praying that their enthusiasm with encourage more of the other women in the congregation to participate. We're already planning for May a Mother Daughter Tea!! I'm so excited!! I've got LOTS of ideas already swimming around in my head!! :) I think I need to go ahead & schedule the rest of them for the rest of the year, just so I can get that off my mind. Once they're scheduled, we can focus on the themes for these gatherings, ya know?
Anyways, I'm also wanting to have a Ladies' Movie Night SOON!! I've found a book called "Chick Flicks" that has about 18 or so different movies with meal ideas & fun little games that I think would be cool to do on Friday nights once a month or two. I don't want to overkill, either, ya know? But, as I've been saying to everyone who'll listen, we have to start with fellowship before we can expect our meetings to get too deep. We have to start with a foundation, and that begins with just being with each other more, and laughing more, then the deeper stuff will follow.
At this point, though, consistency is my goal for our Women's Ministry. Consistently meeting together, and not letting events fall through, that sort of thing. I'd love for little Bible Study groups to pop up, and I'd love for there to be more outings for everyone. Those are the future goals. I'd, of course, LOVE to have a Ladies' Retreat, but I don't think we're ready for that, yet. In the past, those have been just a once-a-year things that haven't had any kind of follow-up, and so we have to almost get re-aquainted with everyone again. Not really condusive to a deep level of sharing.
Anyways, I just needed to think that out, so sorry if I lost you!! LOL I need to start carrying around a little pad of paper so I can write these things down as they come to me, because I am AWFUL at remembering them later!!
Okay, I'd better go...It's time for Abbey May to go to bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you guys!! :) And, thanks for praying!!!!!!!!!!!!!