Thursday, November 24, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Please go here to join in the fun of the Happy Day Project. Seriously.
Cause everyone needs a little love...

Friday, November 04, 2011
Happy Anniversary!! :)
In my life this week... Eleven years ago today, at 3:12p.m. (I know the exact minute because my cousin Herb kept a close eye on the clock & was sure to tell us as we dismissed each pew...miss him), I married my sweet husband :) It hasn't been an easy road, as I'm sure everyone in the history of marriage can attest to, but it's been worth it. Eleven years, 4 pregnancies, 2 born babies, Emmaus walks, family, little tiny annoyances, personality conflicts, literally rolling-on-the-floor-laughing, joy, love, all of it's been worth it.
Love my hubs :)
In our homeschool this week... After Trick or Treating this past Monday, we have now begun Thanksgiving studies!! I love this time of year! So much fun! So much to learn, and so much love and thankfulness to share! I have discovered 2TeachingMommies and their free units, 1+1+1=1 and her free units, and a hodgepodge of other free printable unit sites (thanks, pinterest!!), and am SO EXCITED!! This is helping me think outside of my box, and a lot of the things can definitely be used for more than one age/grade, so we are all having more fun!
Also, a few weeks ago, we FINALLY got Math-U-See & Abbey is LOVING it!! So, it's a winner for our homeschool!! She loves doing math, now! And, she loves Mr. Demme!!
I am inspired by... This week I have been reading a couple of books... I normally don't like to read more than one book at a time, but I have one from the library, and one that I bought at our homeschool meeting a few weeks ago, and I couldn't help myself! They have both inspired me & encouraged me to keep going, to look closely at my kiddos hearts.
Things I'm working on... I'm trying to get some sensory bins together. I think both of the kiddos will enjoy them, and I think they're fun! It's something I used to do as a preschool teacher, and kinda forgot about when I had my own kiddos (oops!). But, again, thanks to 2TeachingMommies & 1+1+1=1 I have 're-discovered' them! I'm not telling the kids until I have our Thanksgiving one put together, probably by next week... I can't wait! I think they will both love it!
I'm reading... I mentioned 2 books that were inspiring me earlier... They are "Good and Angry" by Scott Turansky & Joanne Miller, and "Talkers, Watchers, & Doers" by Cheri Fuller. "Good and Angry" is a parenting book about teaching children character. So far, EXCELLENT!! "Talkers, Watcher, & Doers" is about learning styles, and really, every parent, homeschooler or not, should know how their child learns so they can reinforce & help make things easier for their children to learn to their best ability, whether that means during homeschool or homework from school. Seriously, it makes sense!
I am thankful for... I am so thankful for the opportunity to homeschool. I know I grumble, and it's definitely NOT easy, but it is a blessing. I like to compare it to the mommy who desires a child so much, and then is finally blessed with their beautiful baby, and discovers the responsibility with becoming a Mommy (it's not all feather light kisses and rocking chairs and beautiful's messy!). So it is with homeschooling. It is a blessing, but can be messy! Complaining and despairing and "why doesn't it just flow naturally?!?!" are all a part of the blessing. Because nobody can prepare you for the responsibility of the blessing. It's something that has to be lived out.
So, when I write a post about Abbey not doing her writing assignments (she's getting better, btw, and that is a MAJOR blessing!), please don't misunderstand. I am so thankful for this child. I am so thankful for the opportunity I've been given to teach her at home. I'm just living out the reality of the responsibility of the blessing! I hope that makes sense!
A link to share... (I wanted to leave a picture, but I don't have any new ones... Bad Mommy!)
Here are where you can get the books I mentioned above... I got "Talkers, Watchers, Doers" from my library, but it is definitely one I wouldn't mind owning because I'd love to write notes in it!
Good and Angry, by Scott Turansky & Joanne Miller from The Courtship Connection. They have a LOT of great resources. I bought the book after I heard Kathie Morrissey speak at my homeschool meeting a few weeks ago. She.Is.Excellent.
Talkers, Watcher, & Doers, by Cheri Fuller Paperback, Kindle Version
You all have a blessed week!!
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