Saturday, July 29, 2006
It was actually pretty easy to paint. I used a light projector to draw my design (a die cut I've had for a few years from the Smokies that has a silouette of trees & a bear), and I just kinda freehanded the rest. Now, I'm still not done, this has been an insane week, and this next one will only be that much MORE insane...
Not only is it VBS week, but I'm keeping a couple of kiddos from church for 2 1/2 days (overnights) while a lady has surgery & is recovering this week. These kids' homelife is questionable, they've been passed around the family, and are with their Grandma & Grandpa right now...and that situation just got a little strange...Please pray for this family...we'll call them the West Virginia family...Just a lot of weird stuff/rumors/etc...
So, after VBS week, on the 7th, we're going to the Ohio State Fair!! :) STEVEN CURTIS CHAPMAN FOR $12!!!!!!!!! Can you say, YAY!?!?! LOL So, of COURSE we're going!! LOL I think Princess will LOVE it :) The fair, anyway...we'll see about the concert...
THEN, on Wednesday (not this coming, but the following Wed.) we're going to the Columbus Zoo!! We've got a free child's admission coupon off of a Diet Coke 2-liter!! :) When I told Mom & Dad, they wanted to come, too, so I think Princess will ABSOLUTELY love that!! :)
Here's an ADORABLE pic of CutiePie!! :) Mom went to Utah for a family reunion (no, we're not Mormons for the average passer-by)... So, while she was gone, I got to watch CutiePie for them, and took this pic of her in Princess's old swing...
Now, a disclaimer, I took both these pics with my cell phone, so that's why they're digi cam is charging up, and actually, we'd misplaced the rechargable batteries, so it was dead at the BEST photo ops this week!! Of course!! ::rolling eyes:: Oh, well...
Let's see, what else have I been up to? I've really enjoyed having some girl time this summer with my teacher friends!! :) Carebear & English are a lot of fun, and it's been GREAT keeping in touch with them so much this summer!! Lunch time has worked out to be the best time to meet!! :) It's been a lot of fun!! :) This week we're meeting at Carebear's house since I have VBS...It's been GREAT to have "girl-time." And, it's been great for Princess to have another little girl to play with!! English's daughter will be 4!! this September!! So, a little bit of an age difference, but they seem to really get along well with each other. It's so much fun to see them playing girly things :)
We finally put Princess in her big girl bed last night!! She did OK, but kinda fell out of her bed a couple times (always softly, we only know because King found her on the floor a couple times when he looked in on her). So, other than that, it went well...Now for tonight, and tomorrow's naptime!! I'm a little nervous about naptime...
Today, I went to breakfast with Mom & the "Hen Party" gals (Mom's friends from HS & growing up...and my cousin Shoptilyadrop, MathTeacher, & SingingCousin (and actually, Phyl, that sings with Dad, too, came :) ) It was NICE!! We met at Clifton Mill, and WOW does it ever look different in the summertime!! LOL FYI, Clifton Mill is a MAJOR Christmas lights display from Thanksgiving thru Jan. 1st or something like that...In the summer all the trees are full & there's lots of overgrowth where there's just twiggy trees in the winter...But the mill still works during the summer!! It's a very pretty view :)
Well, I think that brings us pretty much up to date...King's been VERY busy with finishing up his quarter at school this week. I think that's why I don't get online very much...I don't usually get a chance during the day, and when I normally would get on at night, he's on here, so I don't get on at all...Just a vicious cycle LOL I've been trying to read, though, but feel VERY out of the loop!! I hope you all still check my blog!! LOL :)
Talk to ya later!! :)
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Anyways, the girls came over for lunch, but Carebear got there first, and we had some time to chat before English came over...She couldn't hold it in that long & spilled it about her new "friend." They met at a Habitat for Humanity project, and she said he was wearing an old '80s/'90s Christian band T-shirt, so she knew he was "safe" to talk to...Well, he had come with a group from his church, but they had already left for lunch & he'd stayed behind, so after they worked for a while, Carebear & her cousin asked him if he wanted to grab some dinner with them at Wendy's & he came. She said that afterwards, they exchanged emails & phone #'s, and they've kept in contact almost every day since!!
Let me share with you the "God-thing" in all of this (not that I'm saying that even if I couldn't "see" the God-thing, that He wouldn't be's just neat to see how He works!!) Anyways, a few months ago, I remember really being strongly impressed upon to pray for Carebear, for a future partner. I've been a Christian long enough to know that if the Lord places someone in your thoughts & heart, you should at least say a small prayer for them right then & there, because maybe they need a some intercessory prayer right then...Anyways, I believe I was in the shower, and I just got to thinking about her & her love life, and just started praying that the Lord would bring someone to her life (a friend) and that He would give her the grace to accept His will, whatever that meant. Well, when she said they'd been dating almost a month, I suddenly remembered that moment I had prayed for her!! It was roughly (because I don't log all these prayers!! LOL) around the same time she met CuteDork (that's what we'll call him because when she talks about him she says, "He's such a dork, but he's a cutie" and kinda grins all over, if ya know what I, until I meet him, that's what I'll refer to him as here...And, let me clarify that just because I have "dork" in his nickname, that is by no means a derrogatory (sp?) remark...I often refer to myself as a dork, and am proud of it!! LOL We have to embrace our dorkiness, people!! We all have at least a little bit in us!! LOL) So, anyways (I know I've said 'anyways' a lot, whatever...) Yes, she is dating someone!! :) My first impression is that this is the guy. I've seen "dating" Carebear (if you know what I mean), and this time she's different, and a GOOD different. She's all blushy & grinny & ya know, that "I'm-pretty-sure-this-is-it-but-it's-too-early-to-buy-the-Bridal-magazine IT"!! LOL I'm so happy for her!! :)
Anyways, moving on...
We have FAB's party tomorrow, and along with Missy's it's my Dad's birthday, too, so I have no idea what we're doing for that...We'll see, I guess. I think I'll get him a "lounge-around-home" outfit. Mom says that's what he's been mentioning he's wanting...Weird, but, hey, if it makes him happy :)
I'd better go. Is it a bad thing when you want to pull your hair out at 8:00p.m. and you can't blame it on PMS? Just asking :) LOL
Thursday, July 06, 2006
I have since rearranged this little grouping by my front door. But, this gives you an idea of what's out there :)
I know, these are out of order, but like I said, they've been moved already!! LOL I have to get out there & take a new pic soon...I'm seriously thinking about painting the words white so they'll show up against the house better...easy fix, and still "neutral" no matter what kind of decor I decide to go with...Oh, I've also gotten a mini stool out there now, too...
These are roses that were here when we moved here...I thought they were gonna die, but they've sprung back up, even healthier this year...
Tomatoes & one of my marigolds...
Green Peppers :)
Watermelons from seed!! :) I didn't buy the starter plants of these, they're acutally from seeds I put in the ground!! You should see them now!! All the rain & stuff we've had, all these veggies are really starting to grow a LOT!!
Well, that took a lot longer than I thought...Uploading pics...Oh, well, since I'm at it, here's a pic of Jodi & Missy's dad I took at the anniversary party!! LOL I told him I'd put it on the internet!! LOL
Well, I'd better go...I've gotta get Abbey roused up from her nap, and then we're going to dinner & shopping with Daisy & Sweetie Pie :) No PT practice for me tonight (I've got the dreaded 'summer cold' argh...) so I'll just enjoy worshipping from my seat on Sunday :) That's always a nice change of pace, sometimes. Hope you all have a great Thursday!! :)
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

My veggie garden has just totally gone wild!! (in a good way!! LOL) There are these thistle things that keep trying to take over, but my garden hoe has come in handy!! SO much easier weeding with that instead of on my haunches with a trowel (sp?). Anyways, I've got some good, healthy veggies coming in...As I was showing one of my friends (some of you might know her as Carebear, my friend since the 6th grade), I said, "Ah, man, I missed a weed!!" She said (in her deadpan-kind-of-way), "You are really old!" LOL It was just a weird, I'm into my garden moment!! LOL It is kindof an old-person thing for me to get all excited about, though, so I'll not wax poetically about it anymore for you...There's something very satisfying about planting something in the ground & watching it flourish under your care, though...